Beit Roga
Center for EMPOWERED Living
Nature of Healing
A Unique Learning Experience

This six month learning experience is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of Holistic Healing and some of its core elements, as well as to discover the rich world of Intuition and all it adds to our lives and our work as healers.
Through the five parts of this program, you will learn and experience the myriad of knowledge and wisdom contained in the Nature of Healing. All parts of this course will interact and correlate with all other parts, making this a unique and intriguing learning experience. We will not just be gaining incredible wisdom here, and insight into the miracle of the human body and its side by side correlation with nature. We will be EXPERIENCING these aspects of our being and fundamental healing practices that keep us healthy and fit and flowing with life.
In addition, we will explore the power of our intuitive abilities, and expand those abilities.
Come discover the healing that exists in nature, and the beneficial impact it has on our health, on our being.
This course is divided into five parts. The details and a brief summary of the course curriculum are below.
Introduction: Important Healing Concepts, Before We Begin
Before we get started, we will discuss such concepts as the definition of the word Healer, as we use it in this Course, and in life. We will cover basic concepts integral to creating a successful healing space and practice. Grounding, prayer, protection, Internal Physician – we will cover the importance of each of these as preparation, before we even approach the client.
We will begin to touch on the topics of Intuition, of Hands as Intelligence, and Listening Touch, and we will expand on these throughout the five chapters of this Course.
Part I: The Four Elements and the Zodiac
In this part of the NoHC, we discuss the basic four elements that exist in nature, and its immediate impact on our nature/essence.
We then delve into the 12 Zodiac signs, and what each set of stars has the – to imprint on those born beneath them.
The knowledge in this part of the course is relevant to all our relationships. First and foremost with our Selves, and then with our partners, children, parents, coworkers, etc. You will see how practical and instantly useful this information is, and the infinite impact it will have on your life.
3 online meetings, 3 hours each
1 in-person meeting, 3 hours
Part II: The Holistic Model, & Anatomy – Physical & Subtle
Meet the concept of Holistic Health. What IS Holistic health/healing? What is the Holistic model? And what is this whole wisdom of health and healing based on?
In the Anatomy part of this course, we cover an overview of the physical anatomy of the human body. The different aspects that make up the human body, as well as the synergy required of all its parts to make up the functioning healthy person. We then discuss subtle anatomy. In this part of the course we restrict this conversation to the Auric Body – its different parts, functions, and the importance and impact of its health on the human being.
3 online meetings, 3 hours each
2 in-person meeting, 3 hours each
Part III: Colors and Chakras
Color Healing – what is it that color lends to the world? Where is the healing support in colors, and how do we use colors subconsciously to support ourselves?
Making this knowledge intentional – and not just subconscious – can add a whole new twist to your world, and your health!
Chakras – the chakras are part of our Subtle Anatomy. They are energy centers found throughout the body that govern different areas. Each area represents both physical and emotional/spiritual/ mental aspects of our health. There are said to be 7 main chakras. I discuss 11 different chakras that I find to be integral to the basic knowledge of this system, and our overall health. You will discover why maintaining the health of this beautiful and astounding system is as integral to your health as any daily hygiene practice.
3 online meetings, 3 hours each
1 in-person meeting, 4-5 hours
11 flower essences to accompany this learning experience
Part IV: A Journey with the Meridians, and Understanding Yin/Yang
We will meet up with the ocean of knowledge that is the world of the Meridian system and healing. We will be covering a drop in this vast ocean. A very exciting and practical and life changing drop. What are the meridian lines? What is the importance of the 12 organ meridians? What areas of our health does each meridian line affect? And, most practically, what can I do to affect healing and maintain the health of my meridian system?
In the last two meetings of this part of the course, we will meet the concepts of Yin and Yang and their utter importance to the basic foundation of life and health and our beings. (Alongside the meridians of the Governing and Conception Vessels.)
5 online meetings, 3 hours each
2 in-person meeting, 3 hours each
Part V: Discussion and Practice Regarding Important Healing Concepts, and Common Findings in the Clinical Setting
2 in-person meetings, 4-6 hours each
Course Dates: 28 January – 14 July 2024
Day and Time: Sundays, Zoom Classes 9:45-13:00
Sundays, In-Person Classes 10:00-13:00/16:00
Total frontal (online) learning hours 42
Total in-person learning hours 32
Total course hours 74
Total flower essence bottles 11
Total amount of investment $2222 (7777₪)
This learning experience will be done via Zoom.
Each participant will be invited in to a private Whatsapp group dedicated to conversations and review of the material, including supportive materials and posts. I will be available for questions between classes. Videos of healing techniques and meditations done during the course will also be uploaded to this group.
Before the course, you will receive a course outline for your note taking.
As part of this Course, you will receive 11 Flower Essences. All further essences you choose to purchase to augment your healing, support the knowledge you gain here, or for use with your family/clients, will be at a 10% discount for the duration of the course, and 2 months post.
If this course calls to you*, be in touch with any questions and to sign up.
All the best,
Email us for more details
*You do not need to currently be practicing as a healer/practitioner to join the Course. You will, however, undergo an interview to determine your readiness and compatibility for this material, and to be a healing practitioner.
The Backstory That Led to the Birthing of this Course
Eight years ago, I loved my life.
Well, I thought I did...
One day, I looked in the mirror and noticed how SAD my eyes looked...and I had to wonder. If eyes are the windows to the Soul, what were my eyes telling me?? If I had everything I thought I wanted in my life, every reason to be happy - why did my eyes look so SAD?
I asked G-d just that question, feeling quite a measure of despair, standing in front of that mirror.
And thus began a whirlwind 8 years of discovery.
Throughout this journey, two things have remained constant or grown:
my faith in G-d, knowing all is happening for my best,
and following my intuition.
In those 8 years,
my body went through a radical upshift (aka various illnesses/ fatigues)
Beit Roga's clinic was built,
I received my Diploma in Flower Essences and have, to date, 60+ essences in my range Beit Roga Gardens,
I learned to love and accept myself unconditionally,
discovered my worth, broke unhealthy patterns, and have claimed my personal power.
And I discovered an infinite and constant support system in the Divine order of Nature.
I was led so beautifully from one powerful resource to another. My penchant for learning new things had me soaking up new material. All things related to the order of nature: four seasons, moon phases, zodiac signs, chakras, four elements, color healing, meridians, and more. All this, integrating beautifully with my background knowledge - my vast science background as a Physical Therapist (biology, anatomy, physiology, psychology, chemistry, etc), my level of skill as a CranioBalance therapist, and my instant connection with nature's incredible and infinite support as a Flower Essence Practitioner.
Each area of study was a new land of discovery, with infinite interactions and connections coming up between them. An ever expanding matrix of wonder and excitement.
And an ever growing support network. I felt supported in every aspect of living.
Over time, I put together this material and compiled it into a comprehensive course. The Nature of Healing Learning Experience. And, then, soon after I laid out the material for this course, a colleague of mine asked if I would teach what I do, to others interested in practicing Intuitive Healing. Hmmm, I said. I already have all the material compiled. It was then a matter of adjusting the material to the perspective of a practitioner, and adding in the experiential aspects for acquiring technique and nuance.
The material covered, along with my unique signature "ease of living" perspective - following our intuitive guidance and living empowered, creates a learning experience like you've never experienced before. We will not just learn the material outlined in the curriculum. We will EXPERIENCE it. You can call it an immersion experience. Gaining the knowledge, and witnessing first hand how this knowledge instantly impacts your life, creating ripples of beneficial effects on your health - mind, body, and spirit - and the health of your relationships, your family, and your business.
If this calls to you, please join me to experience this knowledge firsthand, and watch as ease of living unfolds for you, and your clients.

Me, 2014