Feel Safe - Spray
This combination essence spray combines Society Garlic - Beit Roga Gardens' protection essence, and Bacopa - an essence that infuses our being with LOVE. The combined effect is one of healing, safety. Wrapped up in a big Divine bear hug, filled with love and a sense of "I am protected and safe, as a child of G-d."
Both of the flowers in this essence are grown in Beit Roga's garden. You can read about the properties of each more in depth in their individual essence bottle descriptions.
Sprays are good to use to infuse an area with the essence it carries. In this case, one can spray the house or bedroom, or around a child or adult, to instill this feeling of safety and "G-d is watching over me". If the insecurity shows up more at night, spraying the pillow is a good idea.
30 ml dosage strength