Lime Bells of Israel (Light for the Road Ahead)
Clarity moving forward. When you are moving forward in life and could use some clarity of where to place your foot for the next step, Lime Bells of Israel shines the light on the way forward.
Great for women seeking their path of true alignment who might feel some confusion on which way to go.
This bush grows out of the rocks and along the hills in the dry, windy Mountain/Dessert climate that we experience in Kochav HaShachar. Its finger-like stems are filled with beautiful lime colored deep bell flowers that are actually the leaves that encase the more delicate white mouth-like flower that lies within. They remind one of a flashlight, pointing light forward to a specific point, lighting the way.
Lime is the color of clarity moving forward, specifically linked to feminine entrepreneurial development.
Solar Plexus Chakra clarity.