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Strength To Overcome

Strength To Overcome


Trials are a part of life. They are on our paths to help us discover our strengths. To point us toward our goals. These three essences can help us to navigate these trials with grace and strength. With clarity. Inbal helps us to stay in touch with our intuition, to help guide us and keep us in touch with our Inner Wisdom. Hot Pink Thistle provides us with the sheer strength to keep moving forward, over the boulders in our path. It reveals to us our own deep inner strengths. Lime Bells of Israel act as a powerful light beam, shining on our next step forward, giving us the clarity and confidence of where to take our next step.

  • Details

    These essences can be taken separately as you feel you need them, or all together during tough times to keep you connected with your inner wisdom, to provide you with clarity for the way forward, and strength to keep moving ahead. Let these flowers lend you their strength and support during rough times.

    All bottles in this set are Dosage strength, 30 ml.

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