Beit Roga
Center for EMPOWERED Living

watch this brief video to see if this program is for you

About Devorah Harow: Devorah is the mother of seven, living in Israel, where she moved with her husband and young family 16 years ago. She has a Bachelor's of Science degree from Yeshiva University, and a Physical Therapy degree from New York University. Over time, Devorah realized her approach to Physical Therapy, her clients, and the people around her was holistic in nature. She left working at a PT clinic to open her private practice which has bloomed into the Beit Roga (translation: House of Tranquility) Wellness Center in the heart of Israel, situated between the Samarian mountains and the Jordan Valley. In the past decade, Devorah has become accredited in three levels of CranioBalance Therapy (from teacher and mentor Shmuel Berger), including higher level in-depth diagnosis and treatment of the cranium, and neck/jaw/mouth issues. She has also earned a degree in Flower Essence Therapy (from teacher and mentor Sara Estelle Turner), and enjoys making and using her own unique range of essences made mostly with plants and flowers from her immediate surroundings. These essences, along with other essences made by many different range makers, are an integral part of the amazing magical transformation Devorah sees with her clients, and is central to almost every treatment plan she intuitively creates for each client. Devorah has also learned and cultivated other healing tools such as Self Relaxation Techniques, Rainbow Breathing, Guided Imagery, Color Therapy, Rooting Exercises, Morning Routines, Meditation, Energy Typing (based on Carol Tuttle's work), Chakra Balancing, and syncing with nature.
Devorah loves spending time outdoors, and living in the present moment at all times. She is an expert on Calm Living, and has published over 70 blogs on the topic, available for your reading pleasure here (The Calm Mommy Blogger). She enjoys the energy of the nature around her, and loves the magical experience of creating flower essences. You can browse through and meet her essence range here (Beit Roga Gardens). Devorah has always felt compelled to follow the natural evolution she feels going on inside and around her, and is always excited to teach what she has learned to those interested in learning it.
If you have any questions for Devorah, feel free to reach out to her at beitroga@gmail.com, visit her Facebook page www.facebook.com/beitroga to follow her posts and livestreams, or join her group Live Your Magical Life for inspiration and a magical look at life.

[I am so excited to be launching this healing accelerator as I know it is going to bring great transformations, breakthroughs, and healing to so many people. All the details are below. If you feel drawn to do this healing work with me, simply click on the Yes, I want this! button and you'll be put in touch with me so we can set up a meeting online or in person. Have a lovely rest of your day!
This program is for you if you know yourself well, know where you want to go, but don't know how to get there. Perhaps you feel stuck on an issue. Perhaps you feel confused or lost. Or there is some pain in your life (physical, emotional or spiritual) that is stopping you from being free to move forward.
You seek clarity.
Healing. Balance. You are self aware, and know that if you have peace and clarity, healing and balance will follow.
You want healing.
I am an intuitive healer. I have learned and acquired many healing skills and tools over the course of my life. I combine these skills with my innate talents and abilities to help you discover the healing you are looking for.
It has been my experience with many of my clients that when they combine reaching out for guidance with self-empowerment and the power of easy-to-use healing tools, breakthroughs and transformation come quickly. The healing you are seeking will follow, with clarity and greater awareness of all the miracles that transpire around you.
Relief. Freedom. Love.
How we do this: During the initial consult we will go deep into your dreams, aspirations, desires. Your overall health, and the areas of stress in your life. We will map out a plan of action, combining the appropriate tools to help you reach your goals = your healing. Every plan is completely unique to the client and their specific journey. I am here to support you. In private online sessions (via Skype or Messenger), via email, Facebook, and in a private Facebook community of like-minded, healing-oriented people.
Why we do this: As self-aware people, with an active consciousness towards growth and evolution, we continually seek higher living. We seek to be better, to fulfill our highest destiny, to be GREAT. In the process, we undergo challenges, clear out painful memories, let go of habits and patterns that no longer serve us, and surpass obstacles of fear and confusion as we continually seek a higher and new comfort zone. We find our unique light, understand better who we are and what our unique mission is in life, and then seek to shine that light and fulfill that mission. That is satisfaction. It is where we find peace and love, happiness and understanding. Harmony. And, in the process, we heal ourselves and the world around us.
Why me: If you are called to do this work with me, it is because you see in me an understanding of you. There is a kinship among those who follow the same path, live with a high level of awareness to nature and growth and healing. Intuitively, you will be drawn to work with the person best suited to guide you on your healing path right now. The beauty is that we all need these people - healers, people who support and guide us - to help us through our own unique journeys. And at each point we will be drawn to exactly the right person to help us. So, if your instinct is to click the button below, then I will be thrilled and honored to lend you a hand along your path.
How This Works: When you click the Yes, I want this! button, you will purchase your initial consultation with me. I will then contact you to schedule a good time for both of us to meet online. The initial consult is a 90 minute deep dive into where you are right now and where you want to be. After that, we will set the course for how we will work together to attain your goals. That is a unique path for each individual, and one that we will come to agreement on together, all for your greatest healing experience.