Who Are You?
Happy Mother’s Day
Well, Moms, I am not going to go on and on here about Mother’s Day. For me, there is not just one day of the year that we should be celebrating our motherhood. Every day is mother’s day. Every day is a day to celebrate being a mom, celebrate our triumphs, our failures. Celebrate the diapers, the crying, the laundry, the growing appetites, the smiles, the laughs, the hugs, and those moments that everything is just perfect.
Let this day be the day everyone else celebrates you. The other 364 days are for you to celebrate you. Do something nice for yourself ALL THE TIME. Don’t wait for days like this or your birthday to treat yourself. Every day. All the time. You deserve it. (Read more about this in my ebook Keys to Calmer Living, coming out later this week!!!!)
From one Mom to another, with love.
Who Are You?
So, we’ve talked differences between the species :). We’ve talked about the nuances and subtleties involved in understanding one another. Respect. Honor. But first, be aware and understand.
Now, we are going to take a turn with all this information. A 360° turn.
Every human being, male and female, has masculine and feminine aspects in their nature. Whether it’s 70%/30%, 60%/40%, or 90%/10%, we each of us have our own unique makeup of masculine and feminine character traits. This is our bottom line, our natural nature. The place from which we function most comfortably, easily, and with the least amount of effort.
Where is that place for you? What are your feminine traits? Your masculine ones? If you’d like, break these traits up into categories, and then determine where you are on the masculine/feminine dial with each one.
Attention Do you feel it is natural for you to be held captive by something for prolonged periods of time, or does your thought stream jump into gear when you have been sitting for longer than say, 45 minutes (or sooner)? The former is ♂(masculine) and the latter ♀ (feminine).
Emotion Can you move easily from one emotion to another, feeling different emotions even within seconds, or do you really get deep into one emotion and need to gradually come out of it in order to move into another one? Former ♀, latter ♂.
Focus Do you focus on details easily, or do you see the goal/the end game? Do you see the clutter or mess in a room when you walk into it, or do you just get the overall feel of the room? Are you good at finding a lost item, or is it hard for you to see the forest for the trees? Former ♀, latter ♂.
Attitude Are you the strong, protective, ready to kill for your family type, or do you prefer to allow others to care for your security and ensure you are safe? Former is ♂, latter is ♀.
Space Do you prefer to be alone, or do you love being surrounded by friends/family/noise? Former is♂, latter ♀.
You will notice in answering these questions that some are hard to answer in surety. That means you are not 100% masculine or feminine in these areas. That’s where your unique equation comes in. With some of the questions, you may feel that sometimes you are one way, and sometimes another. Ask yourself how much of the time you are x and how much of the time y?
Delving into these answers will help you understand where you are. It may seem tedious or something you want to push off. Do this exercise. Know yourself.
Why? Because if you are female, and come up with a score of 80% masculine and 20% feminine and you are happy and energized and fulfilled and have wonderful relationships and are succeeding in life, then that is your natural equation and go with it!
But if you are coming up with that equation and exhausted all the time, rundown, feeling out of sorts, out of touch with yourself, perhaps a bit lost and without direction, if things in life aren’t going so well (in personal relationships, work relationships, your job, in your knowledge of who you are and what your purpose is), then this is not your real nature. You are compensating, and that is EXHAUSTING.
Our bodies are made to energetically support our unique self. The me that flows from my inner being to my outer expression. If we are putting on masks a lot, lifting tools to compensate for who we really are, and be who – for some reason – we were made to think we need to be, well, that is just a road to burnout. We may be able to keep it up for a while, but then the burden becomes too great. The incongruence between our true inner selves and our unnatural outer expression caves to the pressures of living such an existence, and things start to crumble. Living out of alignment causes our natural energies to get utilized quickly, inefficiently, or get stuck.
So get real here. Answer the above questions. Take a few deep breaths and sit down with a pen and paper and write down the numbers that feel right to you for each category. 80/20, 75/25, etc. Then, take some more deep breaths. Do you feel like you are seated in complete alignment with yourself? Do these numbers represent your true nature, or how you’ve learned to compensate? Are you true to your inner nature? Ask it this way: do you feel energized and comfortable with the way you function? Are you happy? Do you feel fulfilled? Do you love who you are and what you are doing and the people around you?
Get real. Answer these questions NOW. Don’t wait another moment to discover the truth about yourself. Maybe you are already in alignment. Maybe not. No judgment. All forward movement is going in the right direction and is celebrated. You feel aligned? Awesome! Celebrate that and share with others what it feels like. You feel like you are compensating somewhere? Great – awareness is the first huge leap to change. Celebrate THAT! (If you want some guidance here, hop onto my website and set up a free Skype session with me beitroga.com.) Wherever you are is exactly where you should be. Move forward from here. From the right now. Be present now. Change is as far away as your next breath. Doors open when you live in the present. Breath. And move into your natural alignment, one step at a time.
With love and courage and some cheerleader pompoms,
Check out my personal fem/masc energy coming-into-awareness story on a post on FB that will be coming later this week. Look for it here facebook.com/beitroga.

Where are your masculine and feminine energies on your compass??
There's a lot going on in Beit Roga! Check it out!
**Mother's day sale for one day only! Purchase anything from the beitroga online store and get 40% off!!!!! beitroga.com coupon code: mothersday
**Pre-Summer Offer: 25% off the Self Relaxation Course online, all week! Check out the offer here: facebook.com/beitroga or go straight to the online store (offer good until the 17th). Get calm before Summer hits! Start now and finish this course before Summer vacation... If you are not sure if this is right for you, schedule a complementary Skype session with me - let's talk about it! beitroga.com
**Pre-Summer Event: I am hosting a pre-Summer event at my home on Monday May 18th at 8 PM. All English speaking women from far and near are welcome to come here my talk on Keys to Calmer Living and register for a group Self Relaxation Course that will take place here at my clinic once a week for the following six weeks. Sign up now!!! https://www.facebook.com/events/1254216781259603/